Our Vision: A Healthy Environment at the Balkans
We envision a region in which healthy environment has been achieved and and all women, men and children live in dignity, and share responsibilities for a safe environment, and a just and sustainable world.
Our Mission: Making Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Affordable for all
Balkan WASH is a regional network of civil society organisations implementing projects in 3 countries and advocating for universal, affordable and sustainable access to WASH as a key public health issue within international development and in the focus of Sustainable Development Goal 6. Access to WASH includes safe water, adequate sanitation and hygiene education, and addressing these issues can reduce illness and death, and also reduce poverty and improve socio-economic development.
Our Overall Goal: Improved health and quality of life
We strive for improved health, life expectancy, student learning, gender equality, and other important issues of development by drawing attention to WASH. The activities of our network are based on our partners’ own visions and needs. Balkan WASH implements solutions locally and influences policy globally.
Our Network
The Balkan WASH Network is a network of 4 member organizations from Albania, Macedonia and Serbia with help of WECF , who share a common concern to promote a healthy environment for all and sustainable development policy and implementation. The network is open for other members, donors or strategic partners who share our vision and goals.
Интервју со Теодора Крстевска: Втора година по ред Град Скопје без акција за доделување бесплатни менструални производи за средношколките
natasha2023-04-12T10:46:23+00:00March 17th, 2023|
address: Venijamin Macukovski 2A-3/16, Skopje 1000, Macedonia
HQ Strasho Pindzur 7, Skopje
By mail: balkanwashnetwork@gmail.com
On facebook: @balkanwashnet
On Twitter: @balkanwashnet